Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tu - be or not Tu - be

Yes, that would be another painful attempt of humor!
At 5 months old Hannah Noelle joined the Tube Club

In February the boys joined the Tube ClubIMGP4495 IMGP4535Yesterday, Lauren joined the Tube Club 22 And the outsider of the bunch, Avery, is chilling in the
Not Tube Club! Hopefully she’ll avoid the peer pressure to be like the others and stay in that club!IMGP4412 Lauren is doing great post surgery and we’re hoping to see a HUGE improvement in her!


Charity Donovan said...

So glad it went well! Love you!

jag said...

Glad it went well! Hugs to all!

Leigh said...

Glad it went well!! Love ya girl!

Margaret said...

Getting SO big! You have such precious children. Hugs and kisses for all!

Kami Lambe said...

How'd I miss this! I guess you owe me one ;) Glad she is doing well.