It seems as though I was nominated by Lauren for the Honest Scrap Award! "What does that mean," you ask?! The idea is to share 10 honest things about yourself that your blog readers may not already know about you, and then pass the award on by nominating 7 other blogs that you find "brilliant in content or design". Sounds easy enough, right? The part about nominating 7 other blogs that I love does, but thinking up 10 new things about me?? Hmmm...
Here We Go…….
1) I love, love, love a bargain whether it be from a coupon, a good sale, consignment sale, Goodwill, wherever, whatever!
2) The thought of walking in a bathroom with no shoes or socks on makes me sick to my stomach!
3) I was that crazy crazy nut mom when Hannah Noelle was a baby! It was done my way or no way! I have handed out many apologies since I realized how nuts I was!!!
4) If I have a project that HAS to be done I would rather stay up late, late, late than wake up 5 minutes earlier than I have to! There’s just something about changing my morning routine that sends me in a whirlwind!
5) I plan WAY too far ahead, almost obsessively too far ahead! I already have costumes for the kids for Halloween, their Christmas clothes and starting to get a little nauseous planning Easter outfits! It’s definitely a sickness, but it’s one that doesn’t leave me in a tizzy right before big events!
6) I don’t DON’T don’t like wearing skirts or dresses! I’m not real sure why! I used to blame it on my pasty white chicken legs, but I’ve been wearing Bermuda Shorts this year, so I’m not sure what the real problem is with dresses!
7) I LOVE to get dressed up. There is nothing like a day when there is enough time to care what I look like! I like doing my makeup, fixing my hair, wearing something besides Yoga Pants and a tee-shirt. It makes you feel better about yourself too!
8) My husband absolutely adores me and for that I think he hung the moon! I get a love note every morning and several random texts throughout the day along with E-Cards! Its the little gestures that mean the most!!!
9) I always try to say something positive or complementary towards everyone I see everyday! I’m sure people sometimes think I’m being insincere, but I will make it a point to compliment something about their clothes, their hair, their attitude, something! I do this because I love a good compliment so I try to spread the joy!!!
10) I always worry (way too much) if I’ve offended people or if I come across the wrong way. This is awkward for me if you know me because I’m a very say what I want, speak what I feel kind of girl, but then after it comes out of the ole’ mouth I worry about it for days or hours!!
Time to Pass The Award On…….
Elyse from Following Him
Megan from Waiting on Avery Kate… hand and foot
Kami from Four Little Lambes
Jennifer from The King Quads
Brandy from The Perez Quads
Jennie from The Pollak Family
Amy-Jo from The Sathers Learn How to Multiply