Tuesday, August 16, 2011

My Gunner

He beat me to the unlocked gate so it was Pringles for breakfast! Phone 585A little mud never hurt anybody; right?
Phone 734First day of school! Phone 772His first major bo-bo! Phone 976 He liked the Big Big truck SO MUCH!
Phone 968 Momma, I fixed my own Spikey Doo! Phone 1122Day 3 of 2 shots of Rocephin each day.  He may never eat a popsicle again! Phone 1139He is the only one that went birthday shopping with me and he was in toddler heaven at Party City! Phone 1152


Elyse said...

Oh Gunner! Your face is totally priceless in the last, party city picture!

Anonymous said...

He is such a cutie. I bet his personality is just as cute.. you have 5 beautiful and precious kids..