Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Try ‘em on for size

Thanks so much to everyone for the awesomely supportive comments on yesterday’s post! We decided not to use the backpacks at daddy’s game because we had one on one combat for the game (a/k/a an adult per child!)
I also second guessed myself because Misty and Jenna told me I needed to let them try them out first. 
Daddy gets to come home a little early on Wednesdays so we decided to let the kiddos try out their new furry friends for a while.  The tails (leash part) was not their favorite part, but at least we warmed them up to the backpack idea!BackPacks4 BackPacks5 BackPacks1  BackPacks3



Charity Donovan said...

I love Gunner's smile! Pack him up & ship him north pretty please!!!!

Elyse said...

I LOVE the smiles! Awesomeness!

Anonymous said...

I am entirely pro-harness. I am not a parent yet, but just yesterday I was stepping off the bus when I see a little toddler (probably not even 2) pull his little hand out of his mothers hand and bolt, the lady scoops up another toddler under her arm and starts running after him. I realized that there was no way she would get to him before he was in major traffic, so I ran across the street toward them and scoop the child as he is stepping off the curb. Crisis averted, mom thanked me 100’s of times. There are just some children that need to be in a harness. People just need to learn that parents that do use harnesses are only thinking about the childs safety.

Kelly Trullinger said...

I'll be getting those soon, very soon! The are so stinkin' cute red! Love them:) Gunner does have the cutest smile.

Misty said...

YOU WILL LOVE THEM! It gave me a ton of freedom of being able to walk all four of them & not have to panic. Now we don't need them, but I swear because of using them, they do much better on walks because of it.
Lov eyou!

Mackenzie said...

who is baby austin? I have been seeing that ticker for months and just havent bothered to ask

Jen said...

Backpacks??? GREAT! What else is a momma of quads to do? Yes, I agree we do need to meet SOON. It has been CRAZY here, how does next week look? :)