Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spreading the Love!

Recently Updated

And it’s not necessarily the love we like to be spreading!
Saturday Avery woke up sick and was sick all day.
Sunday everyone woke up great and I thought, wow, we dodged that bullet.
Monday Lauren woke up sick and was sick all day.
Tuesday started with Lauren and Avery both pretty puny and by 8:00 last night I was in the same puny boat with them!
To spare some majorly graphic details today has been filled with lots of clothes changing, several baths, several sheets being bleached and a whole lot of, back up Hannah Noelle, she’s sick again!
We’re praying we can keep everyone hydrated enough to stay home and not have to make a run to The River.
As of the latest tally, all four babies and myself have caught “the love” and we’re just holding our breath hoping
Pae-Pae, Daddy and Hannah Noelle don’t get it!
And while we’re on the topic of spreading some love, hop over to Gen’s Review Blog and see the love towards
Designed For Babies that she shared with us!


Lauren said...

Oh gosh, I can only imagine how hard that's got to be. I hope HN, Dad, and PaePae can avoid 'the love' and that you and the babies get WELL SOON!

Jen said...

OH NO!! I am so sorry to hear that everyone is sick. Hubby and I only had one rough day each but the kids had several :( Heres hoping for a lightning fast recovery!!! Oh, and a playdate sooooon!!!!

Gen McNulty said...

God love you! I'm so sorry. Wish I could be there to help clean up all the love! Hate the distance sweet mama.


Suzanne said...

OH GIRRRRRRL! SO hard when the little ones are sick---AS WELL AS mama! ugh. hope it leaves as quickly as it came!

love you!!!!

Stephanie said...

Hope you all feel better REALLY soon. Its no fair when mommy gets sick too :(

Anonymous said...

Girl, I love you and hate that yall are sick! Its terrible!!!! BAD GERMS BAD!!!!
PS i love that even when you are on deaths door, you are still thinking of your friends and doing a shout out... are you the sweetest person in teh world or what? LOVEYOU

Moni Graf said...

I SO feel your pain Ms Deeeeee! Is it summer yet?!

Love ya!

Charity Donovan said...

What is going crew is dropping like flies as well! Ugggggh! I hope you all are feeling better soon sweetie!!!! Wish there was something I could do for you!!! =(

Jenn K said...

I agree with Case - You are the sweetest person.

I hope you feel better soon sweet mama. And I hope that beautiful crew of yours are back in action and happy and healthy ASAP!

Elyse said...

Oh my goodness! When ya get sick, everyone tends to :( Hope sweet mama, HN, and the babes feel better soon! I need to see the sweet smiles back!

Brandy said...

Sorry to hear you and the kids being sick! We got that around Christmas, it seemed like the longest WEEK of my life! Hope everyone feels better soon.

Four babies 4 us said...

You poor thing! What one gets, they all get (trust me). I'll be praying that you are spared from any more sharin' of the love...
