Sunday, February 28, 2010

Is it Hard?

Any time someone finds out we have quads they have lots to say, facial expressions to make, etc.  Then, generally everyone says, How do you do it? Is it hard? Is it easier now that they’re older? I’ve thought a lot about those questions these last few weeks.Sandra in hospital  At first, I thought, nothing can be harder than the pregnancy!
My mind, my body, my everything was in a complete wreck!a1 Then they were born and fighting for their lives and I thought, this is WAY harder than being pregnant was, watching your babies struggle, strive, struggle and strive again day to day.  Surely once they’re home it will be so much easier.
Andrea 163When they came home we were SO excited, then the reality of the fact that now we have to feed them, change them, burp them, console them hit us.  There were no longer nurses around to help us, surely this was as hard as it could get.
100_0775Then as they grew, more issues became apparent… REFLUX.  Surely we’ll get over this hump and it will be easier.  

I could honestly go on for each month and the changes in the “hard” parts.  The point is, it’s hard, one kid or four.  You make the most of it every day, you realize that even though you think it can’t get harder, it can and when you think it can’t get better, it does.  I think the key to survival with a baby or 4 babies in our case is knowing we’re here for a reason, God decided we were the parents for these precious children and whether it’s easy or hard, good or bad, how we react and go forward each day molds their futures!
I hope that today you look at the Bright Side of what often feels like the Dark Side!


Amber said...

LOVE this post! so, so true. You answered it so beautifully!

Leigh said...

Thanks for this post Sandra.. I needed to hear the words that you said..I've been having a hard time the last couple of weeks.. thanks for putting a smile on my face! Have a great week!

Anonymous said...

Oh Sandra, I'm so glad you did that post! I so needed that! And you are so right! We have had a very bumpy road with Jade and there are so many times I get so frustrated and say ugh how much worse can it get but then I say I know it can be tons worse. I know there are so many families that have way more issues than what seems like the worst things in the world to me! Like you say it is what it is and it is what you make of it! Great post and thanks for the inspiration today!


Four babies 4 us said...

Amen Sandra! Now that my quads are 7, people ask me if things have gotten easier. Some things have, others have become harder. Things grow and evolve and we just have to be flexible.
When we first found out we were expecting quads, my husband wasn't too thrilled. I told him that it would be the best thing to happen to us, or the worst, but it was entirely up to us and how we viewed our new challenge.
I can honestly say now (and my hubby agrees) that it is the BEST thing EVER to happen to us!!! We are all members of a small, but very fortunate group of parents that were lucky enough to get quads!
Keep the great attitude!!!

Jen said...

BEAUTIFUL! :) I could not have said it better myself.

Lisa said...

Thank you Sandra! We are going through a "hard" time adjusting from 3 people to 2 and this post really hit home. Love you girl and have a great night!

Unknown said...

simply beautiful! thanks for the inspiration.

Gen McNulty said...

So true and just as beautiful as you!!!

This is something I think all parents struggle with and it's so good to know we aren't alone.

It's always going to be something. But finding the time to enjoy the struggles and triumphs of each stage is the key to loving the life you have been given.

God gives you what you can handle. Miss Sandra D.. God thinks VERY highly of you my dear!!

I love you with all my heart!!

Cali Quad Squad said...

Perfectly said. And in this my hardest time yet,it helps to know it will get better...thanks for writing just what I needed to hear. Luv ya! Steph

The Murray Crew said...

My favorite post of yours, mama. So much truth wrapped up in one post. Love you! Thank you for being an encouragement to me through this post!

quadmom said...

This post really brought me through memory lane with my life with quads. I so appreciate your words about trusting that God wanted you to have those babies so you make the best of it! Take care, Jayne Cluff

Stephanie said...

What a perfect post!!
It is so true and honest!!
You are an inspiration as a mother!!

Moni Graf said...

More truer words were ne'er typed! This tugged on Ms Moni's heartstrings a little because I TOTALLY GET what you're saying!

Thanks for putting it out there for me to look back on often. I LOVE YOU RED!!!!!


Charity Donovan said...

LOVE it & LOVE you! Well said momma, well said!

Lauren said...

I can only imagine the comments and looks that you get when you venture out with all those babies. You handle it all with a smile and such a great attitude!

Elyse said...

AWESOME post :) What a fabulous answer for those who ask! Very well said :)

Goerlich Quadruplets said...

So true! This is the hardest job ever but there are so many bright sides if we only choose to see them! Thanks for being my light today to help get me out of this dark hole I've been in this morning! :) Love you! Mari

Jupiter said...

Thank you for your inspiration - also that God is in control! You are an inspiration.

Suzanne said...

so true, red! what a perfect post. thanks for that little dose of sunshine---went straight to my heart!

love you!!!!

Kate Franken said...

Hey Sandra! So, I've never actually commented before (although I try to stay on top of your posts), I totally agree with you. Even without a multiple birth, I get the pregnant, newborn, tough at any point thing. I love my kids, and working through it for them always seems worth it in the end!!

Kelly Trullinger said...

I couldn't agree more! You took the words right out of my mouth and brought tears to my a good way of course!

Anonymous said...

I really needed this post. I have twins and I just keep thinking, "I thought it was going to get easier instead of harder." The moments of giggling out loud and the days where almost everything goes right make it all worth it.