Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Next year the babies are getting boxes for Christmas!IMGP3986Avery admiring Kae-Pae’s Steamer with Me-Mom!IMGP3994

Now she’s on top of the diapers!IMGP3991 Gunner overjoyed about some new diapers!!IMGP3993

The diaper boxes were even a hit for Sissy!

The next best thing was the paper!!!IMGP3999She was literally inside of the bag!!!
Can you tell she’s the one that pushes all the limits?
And where was Lauren???IMGP3997 IMGP3996She was snuggled with Pae-Pae getting fed Powdered Sugar by Pe-Pop!!
No need to ask where Cannon was, odds are he was in my lap!

We were able to celebrate Christmas with the Pater Family (my mom (Me-Mom) my dad (Pe-Pop) my brother (Coach) my sister-in-law (Kae-Pae) my nephew (Jayce) and my sister (Pae-Pae)) the week before Christmas because my mom had to work Christmas night back in South Carolina! That made Christmas last for over a week, it was WONDERFUL!!
Still to come Christmas with the Cochran’s, the Kirkwood’s and then our family Christmas!

Hope your Christmas was everything you hoped for!

We have a new addition to the Pater Family line-up,
Uncle Dan!!!
Easter 033You may remember the post from Easter where this picture was listed as Pae-Pae and Mister Dan, well, he decided he wanted to be a part of our crazy family----- well, maybe he just decided he loved my sister so much he’d put up with our family and he popped the question Christmas day! We are so excited to welcome Uncle Dan (it’s at least four syllables, just ask Hannah Noelle) to our family!!  

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Rocky CochranIMGP3978 Who, Me?IMGP3974 IMGP3976 IMGP3977

This happened over a week ago and according to my pediatrician, “This is the first of many!” On this specific day he pulled an entire table over on top of his head! LOVELY!! We’re not talking about some rinky dinky table I should have had secured or had safety latched, we’re talking about a for-real-deal table that you nor I would have ever thought of as a hazard! We took him straight in to make sure everything was okay since A) there was a cut (although I told the pedi on the phone, I’ve cut myself shaving worse than this!) B) it was on his face and C) there were multiple bruises!!! Everything was fine and she assured me it would happen many many more times! Since then he has had 3 more should we go to the hospital experiences!! I’m thinking Cannon and Reid should start researching padded college campuses real soon or maybe her Mom’s Website should carry helmets and full body gear!
Merry Almost Christmas!!!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Merry Christmas

I’m skipping a lot of the in between stuff and I’ll get back to that later, but I just wanted to share our Christmas Card.  We were late sending them out so if you haven’t received yours yet, hang tight, it may take another day or two!
We have been super super busy around here with Christmas Parties, dentist visits, a new configuration for the playroom (and mommy’s sanity)!
Everyone please take time out this Christmas Season to remember the Reason for the Season and give everyone in your family an extra hug from the Cochran Crew!
Merry Christmas!
cochran09-finalIf things stay as crazy as they have been, the next time I get around to blogging I’ll be 30! That’s right, I turn the Big 3-0 in 2009!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Halloween in December?

Sorry I’m just now getting around to posting Halloween pictures! We had a blog-eye-opening experience in the middle of October and let’s just say there are some very strange, sick people in this world.  I had thrown in the towel on blogging with pictures, but then I realized this is how some of you actually get to see my children grow up! So with a few new safety precautions, we’re gonna give it another whirl!october1Group Pictures are IMPOSSIBLE!
Two Frogs, Two Princesses and a Rock Star Princess!october14Sweet Avery bug!october24They did SO good and then a dog barked and it was all over!
Avery who we always have had pegged as our Punk-A-Rella loved dressing up!! She played with the tulle the whole night! Lauren, however, could have cared less.  The boys weren’t concerned at all with their costumes and Cannon had his Pappy-Frog in his mouth so that’s all he was worried about!october309Yes, there were some girls Trick-or-Treating dressed up as our kids!october316Rock Star Princess, Hannah Noelle! 

I’ve got lots to catch up on, we’ve been very busy!
Hannah Noelle’s birthday, Thanksgiving and Christmas pictures!