Wednesday, May 13, 2009


These last few weeks have been SUPER SUPER Busy!! We have lots of teeth coming in, the count is Gunner; two, possibly three, Cannon; one, Avery; one and Lauren; none! We've also mastered sitting with all four, Lauren is still a little shaky on it, I think it's that tiny bootie she has! Avery and Cannon pull up on anything and everything in sight which causes lots of uh-oh's and crying. We've had several outings with the babies lately and it has been WONDERFUL!! We're excited for a full summer and moving into the house, SOON, VERY SOON (fingers crossed!)
I didn't have a lot of time to work on pictures, these are a few quick ones I grabbed off the computer! I'll do a real post soon!!

Lauren crying!
Cannon crying!
Gunner crying!
Hannah Noelle Costume #2
at dance recital!
Claire, HN, Analeice and Karsen
HN Costume #1!
Hannah Noelle all dressed
for Taylor Swift Concert!
Mommy, HN and Pae-Pae
Taylor Swift Bound!
Mommy and HN!
Sweet, Sweet!!!!
Field Trip with School to
Krispy Kreme and Chick-Fil-A!

She's HERE!!!!
Zoey was born on 10/18
HN was born on 11/18
Quads were born on 8/18
Kila was born at 1:18
Kila Paten Buxton
Proud Family!
He was SO happy!
I think I was just as happy!

Her Baby Cousin Kila!
HN and her Aunt Bal-erie!
Just realized there are none of Avery in this post,
Sorry Coach and Cullen, I'll post some for you soon!

Have a GREAT week!


Charity Donovan said...

LOVE those crying babies! =)

HN too cute at her recital & bound for the concert!!!!!'s your lucky # girl!!!! Hope the next time you fly you are in Row 18! (wink! wink!)

Love you!!!!

Kami Lambe said...

OMG..those babies! And I love the pic of HN in her Taylor Swift outfit...too cute! I can see that one in her senior yearbook.

Anonymous said...

Kila is beautiful! Valerie looks god and Z looks so old! Its been a while since I've seen them. Glad I got to come that day! I enjoyed it! Love ya'll! -KAY KAY (kaleigh)

Sharon said...

What a beautiful baby! Hey did she use Dr. Sams in OS? That is my doc and I LOVE him!

We are going to have to meet up!!!

Leigh said...

Girl! Those babies are getting sooo big!! 18 seems to be your lucky number! HN looked so cute for the concert and you looking good too!!

Suzanne said...

HN cracks me up to NO END, woman! ooooo that girl has SO much sass in her---i LOVE it! hilarious. teething is no fun! excited about the little ones all sitting up!!!

and congrats for baby kila!!!

Tracey Tolbert said...

Love the new pics....Hope ya'll LOVED the Taylor Swift concert as much as we did, it was a Great show...Please send my Congrats to Valerie and Joey!!! I have your practice Steno machine that i found during spring cleaning. I will get with you about returning it. Thanks a bunch, it was put to use!! =] Take care!!

Rachel said...

Did you know 18 is a lucky number? In Hebrew, it stands for life (chai) as in l'chayim. Pretty special!