Friday, April 24, 2009

Who's Who ~ Part 1

Who's Who
Here are a few things about one of the Babies.

1. Is the BEST eater.
2. Can lay in the bed happy for hours.
3. Smile can light up the room.
4. Everything automatically goes straight into his/her mouth.
5. Loves to talk.
6. Hates to laugh out loud.
7. Has different color eyes than all siblings.
8. GINORMOUS feet.
9. Playground Bully!!!!

Which baby do you think it is?


Lauren said...

This is a fun game! My first guess would be Gunner, since he's the biggest - loving to eat, having the big feet and being the playground bully. But, since you said the only sibling with different color eyes, I think it might be Lauren. ????

Leigh said...

would have to be GUNNER!!??

William, Megan and Avery said...

I'm going to guess Lauren. From your pictures, her eyes look dark, while everyone else's look blue!

Anonymous said...

I would say sweet lil Lauren because her eyes look darker compared to the others in the pics Easter Sunday morning in their carseats.

Anonymous said...

Even though she may be the smallest, I think it may be Lauren.

Amber said...

I wasn't completely sure, till I read #9...I'm goin with Miss Lauren. So little yet so feisty! :)

Mack Chi said...

Ok I was going to guess Gunner but the eyes thing sold me on Lauren!

Kylie Hicks said...

I say it's Lauren

Moni Graf said...

My 1st instinct was also to say Gunner (with the "light up a room" smile), but on 2nd thought, Pius convinced me that Lauren earned that title.

Great idea for the blog!


Pink said...

Well, I know that everyone is saying Lauren, but after taking a look at the pics from last weekend, I am going with Gunner. His eyes look blue.... I love following your blog!

Jamie said...

First Time to play...but after some searching I believe it is Lauren!! She has different color eyes...

Loving your blog...

jag said...