Friday, January 16, 2009

What's the word again....

Well, after having to scroll through my Blog Roll to the BOTTOM because Moni hasn't posted in 6 days, I found her blog, went to an old post, re-read the comments and the word for the day is, in Jac's phrase, leverage!!
I am going to leverage a little bit from Jenna's post and a little bit from The Carlson's post.
We had our 5 Month check up and Synagis shots today! And I know a lot of the blog readers are from the North, but in Mississippi it doesn't get cold and 29 to us is like freezing, cancel school, shut down the airport, we just don't know what to do! Well, it was 29 this morning as I loaded the Fab 4 in the mini! (Come on Jenna, you gotta go big!!) I let them wear their sweet little footy pajamas because I just couldn't bear to put them in something cutsie that wasn't as warm, wrapped them in a blanket and covered them with another that my mom made. (Thanks, Me-Mom) Needless to say, they were sweating by the time we made it to the doctor's office 30 minutes away. Mrs. Brenda a/k/a wonder woman met me and the babies there and helped us in the back door along with a few nurses who dropped everything and came out to help! (THANKS!!) We were able to get them all in the buff, get them weighed, assessed and then the dreaded shots!!! Lauren, I told you she was smart, started crying as soon as she saw Nurse Alberta, the one that always gives them their shots! It cracked me up that she remembered her! So, here's the weights, dimensions, calibrations, etc.....

Cannon (Receiving the Silver Medal in ALL Categories)

Weight: 13 pounds, 1 ounce
Length: 24 inches
HC: 16.5

Gunner (Receiving the Gold medal in ALL Categories)
Weight: 15 pounds, 12 ounces
Height: 25 inches
HC: 16.75

Lauren (Receiving one Participation Ribbon, one Bronze Medal,
and still fighting over the other Bronze)
Weight: 10 pounds, 5 ounces
Height: 22 1/4 inches
HC: 15.75

Avery (Receiving one Bronze Medal, one Participation Ribbon
and still fighting over the other Bronze)
Weight: 10 pounds, 12 ounces
Height: 22 inches
HC: 15.75

Now, for some of HN's
5 month pictures!
Baby Dedication

Going back for Surgery
(Thank Goodness Aunt Valerie was her Scrub Nurse!)

Giving herself one of the 6 treatments she got a day!
(Look how BALD!!!)

The girls sleeping!
Look at the opposite way their hands are!
(For the record: They roll themselves over onto their bellies,
I do not place them on their bellies to sleep!)

The boys sleeping!
The HAVE to touch each other!!

Check out the Questions on the Right of the Blog!


Suzanne said...

awwwww!!!!! soooooooo precious! love the pics!

jag said...

You leverage any time sister! Let me just say, you grow some long babies girl! Jillian's quite proud of Gunner and is equally impressed with his sibs! Thanks for the HN pics. It's so sweet to catch up on her baby-hood. I'm SO with you on the cold. For the birds!

Anonymous said...

So cute!!!! I am just curious - was HN very ill as a baby? Is she okay now?

Anonymous said...

They are too stinkin cute! I could bite Gunner's chubby cheeks off. Londyn was sitting on my lap while I was reading your blog and when I got to Lauren's picture she said "I want that pink one. Her's so cute."

~Haley Pepper

The Cochran Crew said...

Dear Anonymous, we had a ROUGH go with Hannah Noelle. She was very, very, very colicky. By 5 months we were on 6 a day breathing treatments for asthma (which noone in our family had) and had over 8 ear infections. She did, however, sleep all night, whew, but every waking second she was SCREAMING!!! By 6 months she was a different baby thanks to tubes, prevacid, foradil, xoponex and pulmicort. She at that point had had 3 hospital stays not including the surgery. Over the next two years we battled strep throat over and over, repeat ear infections, sinus problems, you name it!! Two more hospital stays not including having her adenoids out, tonsils out and then a new doctor came to town!!! He is AWESOME!! He ran a test on her immunoglobulin (probably used that incorrectly in that sentence!) out of 14 things she only responded to 6. After some research, a few shots, lots of bloodwork, we have an amazingly healthy 4 year old!! Sorry that I have written you a short story!

Beth said...

They are all so sweet. Love the Children's Place PJ's!!!!

RADstitches said...

Yes, Monroe, Louisiana. We are actually from Crossett, Arkansas so we drive there to shop etc... it is about an hour away.

Does that drink have coffee in it?