Saturday, April 25, 2009

Who's Who ~ Parte Dois

1. Is the only one with a Shy Bone.
2. Interacts the best with toys.
3. Totally infatuated with the ceiling.
4. Is part kangaroo.
5. Best independent sitter.
6. Has two teeth.
7. Easiest to make laugh.
8. Pee's his/her clothes on a routine basis.
9. Loves to play in bed for a while before going to sleep.


Lauren said...

Umm, Is it Cannon?

Amber said...

I agree with Lauren...I'm going with Cannon.

jag said...

Going with Cannon too.

Anonymous said...

Cannon's my guess too!

Moni Graf said...

Crap! I thought I knew your kids better than this. I'm having a hard time. Before I read the comments, I had Gunner on my mind (again). I think that boy already has me psychologically manipulated from across the states. Therefore, I will concede this portion of the contest. Dang Cochran boys!

You're tricky, Miss Sandra-dee, but I love ya!


Anonymous said...

Is it Cannon? He has a little innocent look about him and the sweetest little smile.